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Looking for content creator/editor with great English
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+ 4
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Зарегистрирован на сайте 15 лет и 8 месяцев
по договоренности
Hello: We are looking for a woman (preferably a mom), someone who's job will be to create comments, posts, events etc on our site. You must have great English writing skills and great understanding of English in general. PLEASE DONT APPLY FOR THIS JOB IF YOUR ENGLISH IS NOT GREAT). This job will take about 2-4 hours a day. You will be provided with a tool where you can create new posts, reply to new and old posts with comments, create new events etc...
You must have good internet access, available time to work steadily every day with no excuses and access to Skype during the working hours.
21.02.2013 | 19:20
Теги: контент менеджер удаленно, наполнить сайт контентом, контент менеджер требуется, контент менеджер резюме, наполнить сайт товарами, контент менеджер фриланс