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3.7 Exhaust pipe
Main engine exhaust gas discharges below the water level.
When running at low speed a by-pass is foreseen to allow the discharge above the water
So as to reduce heat radiation the exhaust pipes are insulated and, in their aft part, water-
The wet exhaust pipes are made of stainless steel and in steel the dry ones.
The through-hull discharge fitting is made of light alloy and connected to the steel part by means of a special neoprene coupling.
For the generators exhaust pipe in omologated rubber a structural separator is provided.
All the exhaust is flexible mounted.
In the aft garage are also installed other machinery, with these main equipment: the A/C main unit with relevant equipment (pic. 03), fresh water equipment including pressure pumps, sterilizer, softener and boilers (pic. 04), air compressor (pic. 05), the emergency steering equipment with indicators and interphonic system (pic. 06), the aft gangway and travel lift power pack and steering power pack (pic. 07) on starboard side; on port side are installed the FM 200 system...
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14.07.2013 | 23:23 [последние изменения: 15.07.2013 | 12:07]