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Drive-in bank simulationЭмуляция очереди автомобилей в C#
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по договоренности
at a drive-in bank where there is only one teller, there is space for five waiting cars, if custimmer arrives when the waiting line is full he drives around the block and tries to join the queue again. the interarrival time between customer arrivals is exponentially distributed with a mean of 10. the time to drive around os normally distributed with a mean of 2 and a standart deviation of 0.5. The server time is uniformly distributed between 6 and 12. When a customer arrives and can join the queue, it takes a negligible amount of time to become a member if the queue. initially no customers are waiting to be served and server is idle.
estimate the average time is queue, time in the system, time-average number in queue, utilization of the server and total numer of customer who have to drive-around. Simulate the System form 9AM to 5PM
Использовать библиотеку sharpsim во вложении
15.05.2016 | 18:55 [поднят: 15.05.2016 | 18:55]
Теги: написать программу, создать программу, разработать программу, разработчики программ, прикладной программист