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по договоренности
We're looking for a front-end developer with a good coding experience (3+ years) for a project and further collaboration.
For the moment we have 4 projects to be estimated. 2 of them include small html5 or js games.
The first game is like a responsive Paint (users will be able to draw, and a few more features) and another one is a game for deleting cells with cancer (project aims on fight with cancer).
You have to have a strong html5 and css3 skills, js, jquery, sass, less, gulp (or another) experience.
English: Upper Intermediate+
Please attach your CV with matrix skills to be considered. Automatic proposal and proposals without CV will be ignored. Specification will be sent to a right candidate.
Only individuals, please.
01.07.2016 | 10:25
Теги: верстальщик удаленно, сверстать сайт, сделать верстку, требуется верстальщик, сверстать страницу, ищу верстальщика