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Установщик для macOS (OS X) мак.

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Нужно сдлеать установщик и авто обновлятор для уже готового приложения

We need an OSx installer to be created for it. We need the installer creation to be scriptable, so that we can include it as part of our software build process.

The installer should either check out a stable branch / tag from git, or use an artifact (tar or zip) we provide to the installer to be packaged into the software. The software requires Git and PHP 5 to work. PHP is already installed on OSx, but we need the installer as a prequisite to make sure it hasn't been removed and replace it if it has. 

Your script will allow us to perform automatic publishing of new versions of our software. When we publish our PHP Application to github, we want native applications to be built for Major Operating Systems. Our Build Server will automatically see the change and run the automated tests. When that is successful, we are ready to publish a new version of our application.

1) Take the tag name, with a prefix string, to create the OSx Package/s 2) Package whatever you need in this package to make sure Git and PHP 5 (ideally PHP 7) will work on the host 

2) Only run as administrator, or require admin and run as admin

3) Allow choosing which applications to install (there are currently 7 applications, a switch case or if else so i can add more as we add applications would be good)

4) Allow entering an email address and licence key, then changing the install command. All we need from you for this is for you to change the parameters that it invokes a command with. An extra line in an if statement will do fine

5) We would like for the package that results to be installable via command line or icon package.

6) If an SSL Certificate or an apple istore licence or something is required, integrate this.

7) Saves the installable package (in multiple OSx versions if needed) in a predefined folder

If this needs to be run on an OSx host, we can arrange a cloud one for you to use with SSH available. We would prefer to run it on a linux host if possible
25.07.2016 | 22:39

Теги: нужен программист, требуется программист, ищу программиста, создание сайта программирование, программист веб сайтов

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