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E-commerce Content Manager MMO games online store

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Отзывы фрилансеров: + 0 - 0
Зарегистрирован на сайте 8 лет и 3 месяца
Бюджет: 800 $
599.16 € — 70 605.44 руб
ItemForge is a micro company from Poland, which sells virtual goods and services for online games since 2012. Currently, our flag games are Diablo 2, Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft. IF YOU A 10k+ EXPERIENCE IN OTHER MMO GAMES, PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY. 

Our products can be found here 

We are always looking for serious and reliable gamers who value quality above everything else. 

Offer is only for MMORPG players. 
Every position will have wide range of tasks and responsibilities but the main theme of them all is product management, expect to do that at least 75% of the time. 

General requirements: 
- Multitasking and focus 
- Ability to read, adapt and learn fast (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date) – Responsible & reliable 
- Minimum 20-40h a week, flexible hours should be possible if you need it 
- Long term (this job is for years – the game may change, but the players remain the same!) 
- Thick skin 

Following positions are available: 

1) NOOB (2-4$ / hour- about 300-600$ / month) with communicative English 
Tasks will involve mainly D2 + D3 (and soon WoW). You need to learn basics about every game in the offer and choose at least 1 game that you will learn well. This job will involve: 
- Taking + cropping screenshots and simple ctrl+v edits of product descriptions 
- Delivery + trading 
- (optional) Services like power leveling or boosting + researching and testing new ones – (optional) Making gameplay videos (dubbing is not required) 
This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks. 

2) RANDOM (4-7$ / hour- about 500-1000$ / month) with 99% correct English and attention to detail to do all of the above and additionally copy tasks like: 
- Adding statistical data to descriptions (ctrl+v) 
- Replicating offer in different marketplaces (auctions) – Summarizing guides (excerpt) 
- Customer service (written) 
Nobody with a few years of computer/internet experience (few hours of daily usage) should have any problems with using different API(s) to do mostly ctrl+v (you will not be asked to create anything but to fit existing text into different layout). 

3) PRO (more than a Random) with sufficient expertise in at least one game that is in ItemForge's offer to do all of the above and additionally: 

- Writing descriptions (adding and updating products) 
You need to know game mechanics and itemization by heart (at least 3000 hours /played and /read). 

4) MASTER (% of the profit made by your work and know-how and/or a fixed salary) with in-depth game knowledge (10.000 hours played and impressive accomplishments to back it up), to be responsible for adding and maintaining offer for at least 1 popular MMO (preferably a game that is not in ItemForge's offer already). 
It is creative work that involves writing descriptions, guides, inventing products to sell and setting up supply-delivery chain with the help of ItemForge's resources. You need to be independent, self- motivated and be able to figure out things by yourself. I can show you suggested way of doing things to meet quality standards but if you need hand-holding with every little thing or pat on the back, this position is not for you. This opportunity is for top 0.1% players ONLY and will require a serious commitment from you. 


1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do? 
2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers) 
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge 
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things) 
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work) 
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price 
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes) 
8. Cover letter (sell yourself!)
28.01.2017 | 21:44 [поднят: 28.01.2017 | 21:44]
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