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graphic design for logos, illustration and bookcover.

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Зарегистрирован на сайте 1 месяц
До 3000 ₽
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a variety of visual assets for my projects. The primary deliverables include:

Company Logos:
These should be sleek, modern, and minimalistic.
The use of bright and vibrant colors is necessary.

Illustrations for Books:
I require engaging and captivating illustrations to be used within my books.
These illustrations need to be in line with the modern and minimalist style, using bright and vibrant colors.
Book Cover Design:
The book covers should reflect the same style as the logos and illustrations, modern and minimalist.
Bright and vibrant colors should be used to catch the eye of potential readers.

Ideal candidates for this project should have a background in graphic design, with a strong portfolio that demonstrates their ability to create modern and minimalist designs using bright and vibrant colors. Experience in logo design, book cover design, and illustration work is highly desirable. A solid understanding of design principles and the ability to work creatively within a given style guide is essential
Длительность проекта
До 1 недели
06.08.2024 | 19:26 [истекает 05.09.2024г.]

Теги: создать логотип онлайн, логотип сделать, заказать логотип, придумать логотип, разработать логотип, создать лого

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