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Professional Healthcare Company Website Design

Отзывы фрилансеров: + 0 - 0
Зарегистрирован на сайте меньше месяца
Бюджет: 30 000 руб/заказ
324.03 $ — 290.20 €
Срок: До недели
I'm seeking a talented web designer and developer to create a fully responsive, static website for my healthcare company. The primary objective of this website is to establish our online presence and enhance our credibility in the healthcare sector.

Please note that this contest is to both design and develop fully functioning website.

Key Requirements:
- Design and develop a classic and professional style website.
- Ensure the website is fully responsive and functional on all devices.
- Implement a 'Contact Us' form to facilitate communication and inquiries.

Ideal Skills:
- Proficient in web design and development.
- Strong understanding of creating classic and professional style websites.
- Experience in designing static, responsive websites.
- Ability to implement functional contact forms.
14.09.2024 | 00:43


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