Psychodrama (ru>en): Портфолио фрилансера Татьяна Зюликова 01.06.2009, работа №5 - FL.RU
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Татьяна Зюликова
Татьяна Зюликова

Psychodrama (ru>en)

(ru>en) Перевод статьи о психодраме для доктора Эберхарда Шайффеле (Германия, США). "The role of the interpreter may be not the most prominent in psychodrama, but it is one of the most important roles. Interpreting at a psychological training is a great responsibility. Here it is not enough to convey the sense, even very accurately. Every overtone of the meaning and even the manner of speaking should be conveyed too, as every small detail is important for the psychologist. Besides, at a psychological training the interpreter is not only a communication channel, he or she is a member of the group as well. He or she should not create additional shyness and seem "out of place", that is why the interpreter also participates in the exercises."