LOOK Magazine / #20: Портфолио фрилансера Ilja Tulit 11.07.2010, работа №1 - FL.RU
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Ilja Tulit
Ilja Tulit

LOOK Magazine / #20

Almost the whole month I was working for one magazine...LOOK. This is one of that kind of magazines, where you're watching a lot of quality commercials and small interviews or maybe articles about famous persons (in this number: History about Yves Saint Laurent, Marat Safin, Sofiko Schevarnadze, Natalja Vetlickaja, Elizabeth Arden and other). The magazine is in two languages: estonian and russian. Actually it was the main problem because of the languages (to combine all the photos and information). There were two graphic designers in this number (Natalja Nepomnjachaja and me). The owner of the magazine and the main editor is Rene Kirspuu.