Детская программа таэквондо. Рус-англ: Портфолио фрилансера Наталья Калинина 13.12.2010, работа №24 - FL.RU
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Наталья Калинина
Наталья Калинина

Детская программа таэквондо. Рус-англ

PECULIARITIES OF TRAINING FOR CHILDREN IN AGE FROM 7 TO 8 YEARS. INTRODUCTION. Children in the age of 7-8 years have mastered all kinds of natural movements, though not perfectly yet, that is why training sessions accompanied with running, jumping and action games are interesting for them. Besides, all these movement skills are better developed by means of various training sessions. While training sessions with children in age from 7 to 8 there should be taken into account anatomic and physiological features of the age, specific susceptibility to influence of environment and rapid fatigability. Skeletal system of a child of this age is still forming. Large interlayer of cartilaginous tissue provide high flexibility, especially in spine. Musculation is still rather delicate (particularly spinal and abdominal muscles). Strength of the support apparatus is also not too high. That is why elements of training should contain different movements without long-term muscle tension.