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If you want to visit the holiday in Israel, that you should live in kibbutz hotels Israel or small houses at kibbutz. Now traditional kibbutz Israel have changed. Now it isnt only an agricultural commune. Inhabitants kibbutz organize rest for Israelis and for tourists from abroad. In kibbutz Israel a level of accommodation from three up to five stars hotels. In kibbutz have traditional restaurants, cafe, every possible entertainments, swimming pools, small zoo for children, sports rooms, shops of souvenirs, SPA-complexes, massage rooms, of a jacuzzi. Kibbutz it is located in picturesque places of Israel. Tourists can look both the basic sights of Israel, and little-known, but ancient historical places.
If you will have a meal in kibbutz in the North of Israel, you will see the river Kinaret, picturesque mountain Hermon, plain the Abuse. You will have a meal to bathe to Mediterranean sea and visit the city of Nazareth and local museums.
If you will have a meal in center of the country, that you receive magnificent rest at coast of Mediterranean sea. You can have excursions in the cities of Kejsarija, Haifa. Kibbutz have in additionin clubs of a scuba diving, aquaparks, a museum of sea archeology.
If you want to have a rest in kibbutz Israel in center of the country, in area of Jerusalem, that you can have magnificent excursions in cities of Tell-Аviv, Jerusalem, Vifliem. You will see all well-known historical places of this region of Israel.