Mountain World design: Портфолио фрилансера Олег Кулик 11.08.2021, работа №2 - FL.RU
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Олег Кулик
Олег Кулик

Mountain World design

MountainWorld - it's a new company, who started in 2018 as small startup and which became a big company on a world market online travelling booking We have developed interesting routes across different continents, countries, and places on the planet that will allow us to get to know the world closer. To do a new user friendly website, who will help users to easy and fast book travel tours and give a full info about travel UI/UX and Website Design Booking flights and flying in general can be a completely stressful experience. Most sites bombard a ton of info to users - relevant or otherwise. What if there was a way to use the same processes but without the stress? Here's my interpretation of what it could be - smoother, calmer, and easier. Logo is the first letter of name - "M". This letter made as Mountain for association with name and travel MountainWorld specialize on outdoor activities with tents, so website don't need functional about hotels, restaurant reservations etc.