Home X / Smart home application: Портфолио фрилансера Олег Кулик 11.08.2021, работа №1 - FL.RU
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Олег Кулик
Олег Кулик

Home X / Smart home application

Home X learns and makes your home smarter. It adjust lights and heating automaticly and tells you if something unexpected happens. Smart home facilitates daily life by taking on tasks and activites by increasing inside and outside the home, giving the participant complete control. App structure - is an initial development phase of the application architecture creating process. Mind map helps to create a logic of interaction and connection between the screens. It provides an an understanding of the overall functionality for the application development team. In the first screen you can see quick action, which you can to add and edit. Quick action - it's different presets of your home settings. You can add any actions in preset and all of this moves will be activate \ deactivate, when you on \ off preset. In page "my home" you can choose category of device or room, and add new device. Statistic helping you know how much money you payed for home per mounth, or day, or year. With calendar y