MacIntyre’s views on money and the global financial crisis: Портфолио фрилансера Вера Левченко 16.09.2019, работа №21 - FL.RU
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Вера Левченко

MacIntyre’s views on money and the global financial crisis

Отрывок эссе. Задание: Go to the website below and read the article from the British journal Prospect about MacIntyre's views on money and the global financial crisis. (MacIntyre is considered one of the most important living philosophers.) It would be helpful to read the first few paragraphs. However, it is essential to read carefully the second part of the article after the ninth paragraph. In the third page of your essay, (a) try and explain how Aristotle and Aquinas have shaped the views of MacIntrye on money, (b) summarize briefly MacIntyre's response/solution to the global financial crisis, (c) state what the author of this article thinks of MacIntyre's philosophy of money and (d) give your response to MacIntyre's philosophy as it is explained in this article.