4 years of experience in Android development; 1+ years of experience in Flutter / Kotlin Multiplatform development; Programming Languages and Tools: Java, Kotlin, Dart, Android SDK, Android NDK, Android architecture components, AndroidX, Android Jetpack, Data Binding, MotionLayout, navigation-fragment, coroutines, coroutines-core-native. Frameworks: Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform. Third Party: Retrofit 2.0, OkHttp, Volley, GraphQL (Apollo), Android Annotations / Butter Knife, Firebase, Google Maps API, Mapbox, OpenGL, Google Analytics, Digits, Picasso, Glide, Gson,Altbeacon,liqpay, dagger2, smack, moko, sqldelight. Architectures: MVP, MVVM, BLoC, Clean Architecture, Scoped Model. Is an application for various financial needs (NDA) App keeps you in control of your finances now Primary Primary Responsibilities: Implementation UI and animation Work with third-party libraries (databinding, lifecycle, crashlytics, glide, retrofit2, firebase, Room, GooglePay, mockito2) Work with MVVM architecture Work with java/kotlin language Implementation of the payment system Implementation Nearby Messages API Key Key Contributions: Development and bug fixing in existing Android client Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android) App allows getting cashback and shares with family (NDA) Primary Responsibilities: Implementation UI and animation Implementation of models and data of the application Work with third-party libraries (dagger2, retrofit2, glide, firebase, liveData, lifecycle, espresso, realm, ViewModel, coroutines, cleanArchitecture, tests) Implementation of client-server networking Work with the Kotlin language Key Contributions: Development and bug fixing in existing Android client Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android) Crypto wallet allows receiving and send crypto coins Primary Responsibilities: Implementation UI and animation Implementation of the synchronization process; Work with third-party libraries (bitcoinj,lifecycle,room,eventbus,retrofit2) Work with the java language Key Contributions: Development and bug fixing in existing Android client Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android) Kotlin multiplatforms projects: Application that allow convert currency with different state Primary Responsibilities: Implementation UI and simple animation Implementation of models and data of the application Work with third-party libraries(moko resources, sqldelight, coroutines-core-native) Implementation custom patterns as livedata Work with MVVM architecture Key Contributions: Development and bug fixing in existing Android and IOS apps Developed and designed GUI Application that help to study new language, app help to learn new words Primary Responsibilities: Implementation UI and simple animation Implementation of models and data of the application Work with third-party libraries(moko resources, sqldelight, coroutines-core-native, ktor) Implementation custom patterns as livedata Work with MVVM architecture Key Contributions: Development and bug fixing in existing Android and IOS apps Developed and designed GUI Flutter projects: Circle calculator that can to help calculate any circle properties Primary Responsibilities: Implementation UI and simple animation Implementation of models and data of the application Work with BLoC architecture Work with third-party libraries (SharedPreferences) Work with the Dart language Key Contributions: Development and bug fixing in existing app Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android) Development on the Flatter platform