Информация Сергей Яскев
Фрилансер Сергей Яскев Google Android krovavuj

Информация Сергей Яскев

На сайте 9 лет (заходил 4 года 5 месяцев 21 день назад)
Выбран исполнителем
  Участие в конкурсах и награды  
4 years of experience in Android development;
1+ years of experience in Flutter / Kotlin Multiplatform development;

Programming Languages and Tools:
Java, Kotlin, Dart, Android SDK, Android NDK, Android
architecture components, AndroidX, Android Jetpack, Data
Binding, MotionLayout, navigation-fragment, coroutines,

Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform.

Third Party:
Retrofit 2.0, OkHttp, Volley, GraphQL (Apollo),
Android Annotations / Butter Knife, Firebase,
Google Maps API, Mapbox, OpenGL, Google
Analytics, Digits, Picasso, Glide, Gson,Altbeacon,liqpay,
dagger2, smack, moko, sqldelight.

MVP, MVVM, BLoC, Clean Architecture, Scoped Model.

Is an application for various financial needs (NDA)
App keeps you in control of your finances now Primary
Primary Responsibilities:
Implementation UI and animation
Work with third-party libraries (databinding, lifecycle, crashlytics, glide, retrofit2, firebase, Room, GooglePay, mockito2)
Work with MVVM architecture
Work with java/kotlin language
Implementation of the payment system Implementation Nearby Messages API Key
Key Contributions:
Development and bug fixing in existing Android client
Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android)

App allows getting cashback and shares with family (NDA)
Primary Responsibilities:
Implementation UI and animation
Implementation of models and data of the application
Work with third-party libraries (dagger2, retrofit2, glide, firebase, liveData, lifecycle, espresso, realm, ViewModel, coroutines, cleanArchitecture, tests)
Implementation of client-server networking
Work with the Kotlin language
Key Contributions:
Development and bug fixing in existing Android client
Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android)

Crypto wallet allows receiving and send crypto coins
Primary Responsibilities:
Implementation UI and animation
Implementation of the synchronization process;
Work with third-party libraries (bitcoinj,lifecycle,room,eventbus,retrofit2)
Work with the java language
Key Contributions:
Development and bug fixing in existing
Android client Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android)

Kotlin multiplatforms projects:
Application that allow convert currency with different state
Primary Responsibilities:
Implementation UI and simple animation
Implementation of models and data of the application
Work with third-party libraries(moko resources, sqldelight, coroutines-core-native)
Implementation custom patterns as livedata
Work with MVVM architecture
Key Contributions:
Development and bug fixing in existing Android and IOS apps
Developed and designed GUI

Application that help to study new language, app help to learn new words
Primary Responsibilities:
Implementation UI and simple animation
Implementation of models and data of the application
Work with third-party libraries(moko resources, sqldelight, coroutines-core-native, ktor)
Implementation custom patterns as livedata
Work with MVVM architecture
Key Contributions:
Development and bug fixing in existing Android and IOS apps
Developed and designed GUI

Flutter projects:
Circle calculator that can to help calculate any circle properties
Primary Responsibilities:
Implementation UI and simple animation
Implementation of models and data of the application
Work with BLoC architecture
Work with third-party libraries (SharedPreferences)
Work with the Dart language
Key Contributions:
Development and bug fixing in existing app
Developed and designed GUI (custom controls for Android)
Development on the Flatter platform
  В избранном у работодателей  
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Сведения об ООО «Ваан» внесены в реестр аккредитованных организаций, осуществляющих деятельность в области информационных технологий. ООО «Ваан» осуществляет деятельность, связанную с использованием информационных технологий, по разработке компьютерного программного обеспечения, предоставлению доступа к программе для ЭВМ и является правообладателем программы для ЭВМ «Платформа FL.ru (версия 2.0)».