Стать написана на материалах зарубежный статей:
1. David M. Reid, Towards effective product management, European journal of Marketing, 22-5, Emerald Backfiles 2007.
2. Gary R.Gemill, David L. Wilemon, Interpersonal barriers to effective product management, Graduate School of Business Administration, Syracuse University, Emerald Backfiles, 2007.
3. T. Mersha, Product management in less developed countries, Department of management, Univerity of Baltimore, USA, Emerald Backfiles 2007.
4. A.Coskin Samli, Julie A.E. Weber, A theory of successful product breakthrough management^ learning from success, Department of management, marketing and logistics, University of North Florida, Jacssonville, USA, Journal of product and brand management, MCB University press, Vol. 9, 2000, pp. 35-55.
5. P.Eriksson, K.Rasanen, The bitter and the sweet: Evolving constellations of product mix management in a confectionery company, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 32, 1998, pp.279-304.